Friday, September 23, 2011

How much does an average BMW Client Advisor make in Orange County, CA?

I'm contemplating becoming a car salesman for BMW in Orange County, CA. If anyone knows the approximate range this demographic makes, it'd help me make my decision.

I understand it's a lot of hours, and it's hard work. I'm moving from one sales industry to auto sales, so commissions is not unfamiliar to me.|||BMW salesman (or client advisors) are still paid by commission.

Assume average BMW is about $60K and 3% commission - $1,800 per car.

Sell 5 cars a month - $9,000 a month or $108K a year.

If you're real good, you can make over $300K a year - just be prepared to pay $100K in federal and state taxes.|||All I know is they couldn't give me a BMW. Overpriced, heavy, hard to work on and ugly..

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